Line 6 Helix | Metal Preset Pack 1 by Nick Hill | Available NOW!

My first Line 6 Helix Metal Preset Pack is available now. Get the Presets HERE! The preset pack includes: NH DrpA Bdnk - A metal tone tweaked for lower tunings NH Bdnk - A metal tone using my favorite Line 6 amp model, the Badonk NH Prple - Another metal tone using the amazing REVV Gen Purple Amp Model NH Dat Solo - A solo/lead tone with snapshots that work for ambient, spacey tones NH Cln Verb Dly - Pretty much like is says. Clean. Reverb. Delay. AWESOME NH Metal Bass - My style of Metal Bass tone for my type of productions. NO THIRD PARTY IMPULSE’S REQUIRED Find a Helix device that suits YOUR needs HELIX RACK: HELIX FLOOR: HELIX LT: HX STOMP: POD Go: Find a Solar Guitar MERCH&
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