deltatheta - decentralized options order book trading protocol. On deltatheta any trader can buy and sell options on the most volatile crypto assets from a personal wallet (MetaMask or WalletConnect). You can trade options on BTC and ETH as well as on 2nd tier tokens: BNB, AAVE, MATIC, DOT etc. We work in several networks: Ethereum, Binance, Polygon and Aurora/NEAR.
Today, many of us are wondering about how to properly invest our money so that we may earn even more income. Investments are the most common type of passive income that we might generate. However, investments always require that bit of cost-benefit analysis that we all do. This balance, however, may range from YOLOing your entire savings into some Dogecoin to hedging investments on various index funds.
It is always important for investors to invest in places where the amount of risk is lower, while also increasing income and retaining capital. As a result, today we will look at the top 5 investments with the lowest level of risk.
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