Lecture by Dr. Attali: “The World in 2035: hyperconflict or global renaissance?“

Lecture by Professor Jacques Attali, President of Positive Planet, founder and first President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (1991-93) in London. Title of Lecture: The World in 2035: hyperconflict or global renaissance? In his lecture, Dr. Attali will discuss the key trends that will shape the world in the coming two decades, in the geostrategic, political, economic, social, environmental, technological, and cultural fields. How will the world of 2035 be governed? Will the relative decline of the United States “empire” give rise to a bipolar or a polycentric world? What will be the balance between the three driving forces: market, religion, and democracy? What are the risks of new conflicts, at the regional or even global scale? Will the globalization process continue, or be interrupted by a triumph of anti-liberal forces? Can a truly global rule of law emerge? Dr. Attali will describe the megatrends and weak signals announcing these evolutions, and provide keys
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