The Pig And The Sky - a song about beauty and mindfulness
For teachers and parents:
We are very happy to see you watching our simple children’s songs!
Once upon a time there was a very happy pig.
Mud baths every evening and the pigsty pretty big,
Lots of friends around, the variety of food.
So to cut it short, his life was really-really good.
There was only one thing that the pig just couldn’t see,
Over roofs of houses and above the highest tree,
Full of mysteries and full of beauty, raising high
Just above his head there was a boundless starry sky.
Once upon a time there lived a very happy man.
Everything he planned went on according to his plan.
Work, a lot of money, and a house, and a car.
Did he need the stars if he himself was like a star?
Taking things for granted, he forgot to look above.
Thinking that possessions are the measure of true love,
He was only interested in things that he could buy.
He just had no time to raise his head up to the sky.
Once upon a time the pig was walking through the wood.
He was very busy searching for some yummy food.
Suddenly he stumbled and fell down with a cry.
Maybe it was magic but the pig could see the sky.
Never in his life he had seen anything like this.
He just realized important things that he had missed.
He forgot his pigsty, cause in front of little eyes
There were so majestic and enormous starry skies.
Once upon a time the man was walking in the street.
Paying no attention what is there under feet.
Suddenly he stumbled and fell down with a cry.
Lying on his back, he saw a boundless starry sky.
Nothing could compare to its greatness and its height -
Bright blue in the daytime and deep purple in the night.
But for him the sky was something he saw every day.
He stood up, said “I DON’T CARE!” and simply went away.
It’s not always bad to fall cause sometimes, you know,
When you fall, you learn the things you have missed before.
If you can look up, it doesn’t mean – you really can.
If you have two legs, it doesn’t mean that you’re a man.
#kidssong #childrensongs #childrensmusic #simplesongs #easysongs #animationsong #nurseryrhymes
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