Seven Line Guru Rinpoche Prayer Chanted by the 17th Karmapa

Seven Line Prayer To Guru Rinpoche - Chanted by the 17th Karmapa HUNG ORGYEN YUL GYI NUBJANG TSAM At the northwest border of the land of Uddiyana, PEMA GESAR DONGPO LA in the pollen heart of the lotus, YATSEN CHOK GI NGÖDRUP NYÉ you achieved amazing supreme siddhi. PEMA JUNGNÉ ZHÉ SU DRAK You are widely known as Padmakara, the Lotus Born. KHOR DU KHANDRO MANGPÖ KOR You are surrounded by a retinue of many dakinis. KHYÉ KYI JESU DAK DRUP KYI I follow your example in accomplishment. JINGYI LAP CHIR SHEK SU SOL GURU I pray that you come here to grant your blessing. PEMA SIDDHI HUNG The video copyright belongs to the original owner.
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