How I Paint Things - WW2 US Infantry with Contrast

Infantry form the core of almost any US Army force for the tabletop, no matter which game it is you’re playing. If you’re strapped for time but still want to put painted miniatures on the table, Citadel Contrast might be an option to consider! READ MORE: If you’re looking to start your own American force for Bolt Action, check out Warlord Games for an immense range of miniatures. Click on through with the following affiliate link and if you decide to purchase anything, I pick up a small commission off the top - help out the channel at no extra cost to you, and grab some awesome miniatures! ?aff=10 At roughly 15-20 minutes worth of painting time per figure - which decreases exponentially as you get into painting in batches of 5 or 10 miniatures at a time - you’ll find this is a very fast method of getting an army painted and ready for battle, with the bonus that it’s also super easy! Great if you’re unsure about tricky angles or di
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