LFL #66 | Lightroom Editing Tricks you NEED to know

Lightroom Classic is a photo editing powerhouse and is capable of turning even mundane photos into attention grabbing masterpieces. There are some powerful features that can make it easy to add that wow factor into any photograph. PhotoshopCAFE founder, Colin Smith walks you through some of his favorite, proven tricks that will open up a world of creative ideas for you to apply to your photographs. .  Fix my photo returns with Colin Smith   ► Sign up to receive notifications for livestreams here:  ► Fix my Photo submission:  ► Livestream archive:   ► All PSC tutorials here:  ► All super guides are here: ► THE GEAR I USE: ► THE MUSIC I USE:  ► SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDS: ► PREMIUM COURSES:  ► INSTAGRAM:  ► WEB:  ► FACEBOOK:  ► TWITTER:   #Photoshop #tutorial #Masks
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