00:00 - Calling to get a reservation Dialogue 1
03:53 - Calling to get a reservation Dialogue 2
07:31 - Calling to get a reservation Dialogue 3
11:32 - Checking into the hotel Dialogue 1
13:52 - Checking into the hotel Dialogue 2
15:55 - Requesting a wake-up call Dialogue 1
17:42 - Requesting a wake-up call Dialogue 2
19:07 - Asking the concierge for sightseeing advice Dialogue 1
22:43 - Asking the concierge for sightseeing advice Dialogue 2
25:57 - Asking the concierge for sightseeing advice Dialogue 3
29:24 - asking the Concierge for Restaurant advice Dialogue 1
31:43 - Asking the concierge
...for sightseeing advice Dialogue 2
33:52 - Asking the concierge for sightseeing advice Dialogue 3
36:18 - Talking to a Room service Dialogue 1
38:38 - Talking to a Room service Dialogue 2
40:49 - Calling to report a cocroach problem Dialogue 1
42:40 - Calling to report a cockroach problem Dialogue 2
44:17 - Calling to report a cockroach problem Dialogue 3
45:55 - AskinShow more