Anthem of the Fallen | CHAOSDIVER ANTHEM | Helldivers 2
The anthem of the fallen, call of the void, the chaosdivers’ promise.
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Chaos will reign, through every lost star,
From Super Earth’s ashes, we’ll rebuild the scars,
Freedom must rise, let the old world fall.
Shameless corruption, of their regime,
Is how humankind, has fallen abeam.
We question and doubt each promise told,
Their ruination, we will behold.
Separatist revolt is the inevitable path,
All who resist it shall suffer our wrath.
Crimson and night will shroud their hoard,
Justice and hope must be restored.
A new way of life, galaxy-wide,
Paved with the skulls of those who’ve lied.
Unsatiable fire, of implacable ire,
A carnage that won’t ever expire.
We sacrifice, their paradise,
Humanity’s future is worth that price.
Dissidents rise! Freedom arise!
Chaos divers unchain our skies!