Removing the PS3/360 Limitations from Dark Souls 1: Anor Londo Visible From Duke’s Archives (Part 1)

In this video I show how I made Firelink Shrine and Anor londo visible from super far away. And thus, essentially removing the PS3 / Xbox 360 limitations that Dark Souls naturally had to deal with. I also show off the original low poly distant versions the game used. Hope you enjoy! #darksouls #darksoulsmods #darksoulsremastered #ds1 #darksouls1 Download the current version here that includes these changes: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: DeS Modding: DS1 Modding: DS2 Modding: DS3 Modding: My DS3 Visual Overhaul mod: My DS2 Visual Overhaul mod: My DS2 Texture mod: DS2LightingEngine mod: Buy me a coffee: PayPal donations: DS2LightingEngine discord: Topaz Labs Photo AI: (fyi I do earn a small amount if you purchase!)
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