homo sacer: the one who is “killed“ but never “murdered“
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authority figures seem to get away with murder all time. but how do those killings become acceptable? The philosopher Giorgio Agamben thinks about these issues with his concept of homo sacer: someone who can be killed without it being murder or sacrifice. when sovereign power is always an exception to the law, they get to create homo sacer.
as i say at the end of the video, homo sacer is not a perfect theory. agamben is far from the only philosopher to think about biopolitics. i’d love to hear your thoughts about what he gets right and what he gets wrong. you might also think his theory is the most politically useful, even if it’s not the most accurate, historically or logically speaking.
00:00 biopolitics/biopower
3:12 thanatopolitics
4:46 homo sacer
6:07 zone of indistinction
6:53 sovereign power & states of exception
11:47 death camps inside democracies
15:12 questions for agamben
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Arendt, Hannah. (1958). “The Origins of Totalitarianism,“ Second Edition. Meridian Book, Inc.
Agamben, Giorgio. (1998). Trans. Daniel Heller-Roazen. “Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life.“ Stanford University Press.
Foucault, Michel. (2003). Trans. David Macey. Ed. Mauro Bertani and Alessandro Fontana. “Society Must Be Defended: Lectures from Collège de France.“ Picador.
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tags: giorgio agamben, homo sacer, death camps, biopolitics, biopower, thanatopolitics, concentration camps, nazi germany, hitler, WWII, WW2, world war II, democracy now, totalitarianism, authoritarianism, michel foucault, hannah arendt, postmodernism, structuralism, post structuralism, human rights, sovereign power, joe biden, justin trudeau, politics, dehumanization, internet analysis, video essay, analysis video, philosophy, shanspeare, jordan theresa, vox, vice news, cj the x, tiffany ferg, alice cappelle, contrapoints, channel 5, philosophy tube, madisyn brown, chad chad, sisyphus 55, tara mooknee, noah samsen, FD signifier, khadija mbowe, clark elieson
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