Building Animation Events In Cocos Creator (Featuring Live2D Cubism)

If you ever wanted to have code being executed while your animation is happening, you can easily do that with an animation event. These animation events can be added anywhere in your animation and come with options to add multiple parameters including booleans, strings, and numbers. We share an example of how they work with code with the help of animation built with Live2D Cubism. This powerful tool is built to help bring 2D images to life and has been used in multiple videos, games, and more. We’re happy to be showing off their Beta version of Cubism for Cocos Creator in this example and will have a final version available in the summer 2023. Learn more about animation events from Cocos Creator documentation: If you would like to try Live2D Cubism for Cocos Creator, please download the Beta at this website: If you want to learn more
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