Wrapped - Animated short film (2014)

The short explores the effects of time and change focusing on the the worlds seemingly never ending cycles. The deterioration of one is the foundation for another. This fact takes on new dimensions when the unexpected forces of nature clash with the existing structures of our civilization. Subscribe to the channel: Directors: Roman Kälin, Falko Paeper, Florian Wittmann Camera: Roman Kaelin, Falko Paeper, Florian Wittmann Film music: Stefan Wiedmer Sounddesign: Philip von During Editing: Alexander Scholz Animation: Jacob Frey Producer: Catherine Ackermann, Paolo Tamburrino Edit: Roman Kälin, Falko Paeper, Florian Wittmann FMX Trailer Edit: Ewa Wojakowska Grading: Ben Dittrich Production: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH - - - - - The Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg, with its Animation Institute and the postgraduate masterclass Atelier Ludwigsburg-Paris, is one of the internationally most acclaimed film and medi
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