Becky G - Bella Ciao (Extended Official Video)

Becky G “Bella Ciao“ for La Casa De Papel (Netflix): Get it now: Label: Kemosabe Records/RCA Records Song Production: Stephen “Di Genius“ MacGregor @digenius1 Creative: Bankrobber @bankrobberprojects Production: Starfish @starfishprojects Director: Meg Gámez @meggamez Executive Producer: Jenita Spirtovic @crystalmetheny Line Producer: Oualid Mouaness @oualidoualidou, Production Supervisor: Christine Miller @christinemiller7 DP: Josh Saideman @josh_saideman Choreography: Cat Rendic @catrendic Dancers / Stunt: Monique Watson, Olivia Wong, Kelvin Delgado, Sam Holmberg, Chris Anthony, Ste...phanie Mincone, Ellie Soto Stylist: Morgan Pinney @morgann MUA: Patrick Ta @patrickta Hair: Rikki Gash @rikkigash Nail Art: Patty Gamez @patty3dnails Spray Tan: Isabel Vita @isabelalysa Editorial and Finishing: Digital Sword Color: Company3 Sound MIX: Racket Sound #BeckyG #BellaCiao #LaCasaDePapel
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