【TVPP】Jung-Eum,Seo-Jun,Jun- Hee,Siwon- ’She Was Pretty’, 정음, 서준, 준희, 시원 - 그.예 인터뷰 @Section TV
【TVPP】 Jung-Eum, Seo-Jun, Jun- Hee, Siwon - ’She Was Pretty’ Interview, 정음, 서준, 준희, 시원 - ‘그녀는 예뻤다‘ 인터뷰 @Section TV
Hwang Jung-eum #006, Park Seo-Joon #010, Ko Jun-Hee # 005, Choi Si-Won(Super Junior) #077 : The actors & actress of ’She Was Pretty’ had an interview @Section TV 20150920
Hwang Jung-eum : Singer, Actor
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