Every Israel and Israeli mention on The Simpsons. - כל אזכור של ישראל וישראלי בסימפסון - popmov22

All the times Israel or Israeli people was mentioned or referenced by the Simpsons. The Simpsons will joke about everything that Israel are famous or infamous for and they are not always politically correct. You have been warned. All the classical stereotypes and references to Israel are here: Jews, Muslims, Wailing Wall, Weapons, Military, IDF, Hebrew, UZI and sacred places. If you are from Israel, comment down below what you think about the Simpsons jokes about Israel, Ofcourse you can also comment if you are not Israeli. :) In Hebrew: כל הפעמים שישראל או עם ישראל הוזכרו או הוזכרו על ידי... משפחת סימפסון. הסימפסונים יתבדחו על כל מה שישראל מפורסמת או ידועה לשמצה והם לא תמיד פוליטיקלי קורקט. ראה הוזהרת. כל הסטריאוטיפים וההתייחסויות הקלאסיים לישראל נמצאים כאן: יהודים, מוסלמים, חומת הכואבת, כלי נשק, צבא, צה“ל, עברית, עוז“י ומקומות קדושים. אם אתה מישראל, הגב למטה מה דעתך על בדיחות סימפסון על ישראל, כמובן שאתה יכול גם להגיב אם אינך ישראלי. :) * See our other Simpsons movies here: * All the Russian references * All the German references Part 1 Part 2 * All the times Sweden, Swedes or Swedish mentioned on the Simpsons: * All the times Simpsons made a joke about The Netherlands and Dutch People: * All the References to Denmark, Finland and Norway on the Simpsons here: * All the references to Australia and Australians here: * How the mRNA Vaccine works explained by the Simpsons: To support us and our channel - Click here to subscribe: * Feel free to share this video with your friends and family and please hit that LIKE button. Thanks! * Follow us on: TikTok: @popmov_yt Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: This video is under Fair Use: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act in 1976; Allowance is made for “Fair Use“ for purposes such as parody, criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. All rights and credit go directly to its rightful owners. No copyright infringement intended. Thank you very much! (popmov22) #israel #israeli #thesimpsons (PopMov is created and produced in SKOVDE, SWEDEN - PopMov är en Youtuber från SKÖVDE, SVERIGE)
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