The Levites - The Levites full album הלוויים - האלבום המלא
The Levites-
A Jewish soulful choir group that sings music from the Jewish tradition and roots in high standards and modern production with World music atmosphere. Songs and melodies from the Jewish tradition gain more and more popularity I the Israeli culture along the years. In the world, the Jewish culture is being recognized by many populations that connect to Judaism from the Bible stories and the traditional Jewish songs. Teta had conducted numerous auditions to traditional Jewish soul singers. Few, with an impressive vocal chords, vocals which big far beyond soul singing, vocals that completes each other in a perfect harmony, were chosen to form the Ensemble of The Levites.
The tribe of Levi is one of the twelve tribes of Israel. The tribe of Levi was chosen from all tribes to carry the Ark of the Covenant to serve before God. The Levites were responsible of the important role of singing and playing music in the Temple, a work that was in fact an integral part of the holy service.
Los levitas
Un coro judío con alma que canta música de la tradición judía y tiene sus raíces en los más altos estándares y la producción moderna con un ambiente de música del mundo. Las canciones y melodías de la tradición judía ganan cada vez más popularidad en la cultura israelí a lo largo de los años. En el mundo, la cultura judía está siendo reconocida por muchas poblaciones que se conectan con el judaísmo a partir de las historias bíblicas y las canciones judías tradicionales. Teta había realizado numerosas audiciones para cantantes de soul judíos tradicionales. Pocos, con unas cuerdas vocales impresionantes, voces que van mucho más allá del canto del alma, voces que se completan en perfecta armonía, fueron elegidas para formar el Ensamble of The Levites.
La tribu de Leví es una de las doce tribus de Israel. La tribu de Levi fue elegida de todas las tribus para llevar el Arca de la Alianza para servir ante Dios. Los levitas eran responsables del importante papel de cantar y tocar música en el templo, una obra que de hecho era parte integral del servicio santo.
The Levites-
Vocals- Evyatar Tzadok, Elior Itzkovitz, Meir Haim Mulakandov, Nitzan Shohaam, Ariel Ohayon, Guy Azikri and Roniel Cohen
00:00 1. Overture-
compose by- Ran aviv and Ron Ben Yose
01:53 2. Birkat Hakohanim- lyrics- from the bible
Composed by Liat Revner
05:22 3. Mi Kamocha Ba’elim
lyrics- from the Bible
Traditional composition
09:55 4. Halleluya
lyrics- from the Bible
composed by Leonard Cohen
14:10 5. Malahe Sashalom
lyrics- from the Bible
Traditional composition
17:54 6. Yaase Shalom
lyrics- from the Bible
Traditional composition
21:37 7. En Od Milvado
Lyrics by Yossi Gispan
Composed by Tomer Hadadi
24:36 8. Yerushalaim Shel Zahav
Lyrics and composition by Naomi Shemer
29:22 9. Arba Bavos
Composed by Rabbi Shneur Zalman
35:11 10. Mi Adir
lyrics- from the Bible
Composed by Yerachmiel Begun
39:20 11. Eshet Hail
lyrics- from the Bible
Composed by Itzhak Waldner
44:04 12. Mehera
lyrics- from the Bible
Composed by Itzhak Waldner
48:16 13. Im Eshkaheh Yerushalaim
lyrics- from the Bible
Composed by Yohana Shapira, Shlomo Carlebach
52:31 14. Boi Beshalom
lyrics- from the Bible
Composed by Justin Hayward
Executive producer- Ron Ben Yosef
Guitars, keys and Music production- Ran Aviv
Violin- Nitzan Kanety (songs 2,5,6)
Violin and Oud- Sefi Asfuri Hirsh (song 4)
Violin- Sveta Melishkin (songs 10,11,12,13)
Recorded, Mixed and Mastered by Ran Aviv at “Aviv studio’s”
streaming at all platforms -
For Booking:
Teta Making Music
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Teta Making Music 2021
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«Маска» | Выпуск 5. Сезон 1 | Лев, “Позови меня с собой“