My first show remix
(And hopefully my last :D)
Art by Teranen:
My soundcloud:
The Kirin used to speak and sing
We weren’t always quiet
We told stories and funny jokes
My stand-up was a riot
But then one day, a fight broke out
And hurtful words were said
Flaring tempers were inflamed
Destruction quickly spread
My happy village lay in ruins
Relationships got worse
Spoiler alert: we quickly learned
That words could be a curse
“No more talking,“ yelled our leader
The last thing said aloud
Into the Stream of Silence
We stepped as a crowd
’Cause rainbows won’t light up the sky
Unless you let it rain
And shiny apples sometimes come with worms
No, you can’t give up your laughter
’Cause you’re scared of a little pain
It’s a lesson that the Kirin never learned
’Cause rainbows won’t light up the sky
Unless you let it rain
And candles just won’t glow until they’re burned
No, you can’t give up your laughter
’Cause you’re scared of a little pain
It’s a lesson that my village never learned
I was stuck in silent prison
With the voices in my head
’Til I tripped over my salvation
In a helpful flowerbed
I found a cure to clear my pipes
And I became quite chatty
With years and years of stored-up words
I drove my village batty
They didn’t like my jokes and songs
And daily dose of news
The plays I wrote, the speeches spoke
Variety reviews
The village leader made it clear
I had to make my choice
I could stay and live with them
Or I could keep my voice
So I came here, but left the couch alone
They’re hard to move
With just the view for company
Until ya heard me groove
’Cause rainbows won’t light up the sky
Unless you let it rain
And shiny apples sometimes come with worms
No, you can’t give up your laughter
’Cause you’re scared of a little pain
It’s a lesson that the Kirin never learned
’Cause rainbows won’t light up the sky
Unless you let it rain
And candles just won’t glow until they’re burned
No, you can’t give up your laughter
’Cause you’re scared of a little pain
It’s a lesson that my village never learned
Oh, yes,
’Cause rainbows won’t light up the sky
Unless you let it rain
And candles just won’t glow until they’re burned
No, you can’t give up your laughter
’Cause you’re scared of a little pain
It’s a lesson that my village never learned
No matter how hard I schooled them
Fear of hurt is still what ruled them
Sometimes you gotta let it raaaaaaaain!
Yeah, sometimes you’ve gotta let it rain
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