HUMAN KIND - No One’s Life Is 100% Happy All The Time. We Need To Stop Judging Others.

Life is full of ups and downs, ebb and flow. Things happen that create sadness, grief, anger and fear. No one’s life is 100% happy all the time. We need to stop judging others and realise that we have no idea what someone else is going through. If someone is being rude, give them the benefit of the doubt that they may be having a rough day. You may just have one of those yourself someday soon... And if we make it okay to be open and honest when we are struggling, it allows each of us to have a deeper level of understanding. So let’s all work on becoming more compassionate. Together, we... can help each other and ourselves. Filmed in Barrydale, South Africa. Featuring Anton de Villiers. All of our films are made possible through the generous support of our patrons. To be part of this journey : If you’d prefer to make once off contribution, our PayPal details are : Who is Green Renaissance? We are Michael and Justine - passionate filmmakers, living off-grid and dedicating our time to making films that we hope will inspire and share positivity out into the world. Editing - by Jackie Viviers Sound mix - by Tamryn Breakey Music sourced from ArtList - Love Me - by Alon Peretz Puddles - by Nadav Cohen Caves - by Cloud Cover From Within - by Kevin Graham A huge thank you to these guys, who so generously gave of their to time to help with language translations: Arabic - by Mohammad Alkhudhair Chinese - by Erika Huang Croatian - by Davor Bobanac Czech - by Pavla Látalová Danish - by Jeppe Lerche Larsen French - by Natalia Hoffsteter Georgian - by Qeti Giorgadze German - by Tanja Pütz Hebrew - by Sea-van Rachel Hindi - by Parul Sharma Indonesian - by Ary Nuansa Italian - by Vincenzo Mocerino Japanese - by Asami Nishimura Korean - by Chloe Park Polish - by Anna Konieczna Portuguese - by Jonatha Koeller Russian - by Assiya Marzhanova Slovak - by Zuzana Beratsova Slovenian - by Jasmina Kovačič Spanish - by Marianne Carrere Tswana - by James Motlhamme Turkish - by Ahsen Aygören Vietnamese - by Thi Le
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