Listen To This

I just finished watching Avatar the Last Air Bender and couldn’t believe how amazing that show still is. A lot of relatable lessons about life in that show. But the song wasn’t really inspired by the character Azula as much as it was my relationship with Amy Winehouse and a few other people in my life I’ve seen fall down the wrong path. I was entirely blown away by her. She was pretty much everything I could ever look for in an artist. The attitude that she wrote with, that she possessed, her style and humor. Her pen was immaculate too, like she had bars in her songs. Back to Black is my most listened to album of all time. After it came out I made it my mission to find every b-side or loose song of hers I could online. I was obsessed. Her passing really affected me greatly and still does. There’s certain songs of hers I can’t listen to, today even, without breaking down and crying. It just takes me back to all the hours I stayed up late in my room trying to find anything that I could from her. And
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