Duc Me Ad Lunam - Fly Me to the Moon in Latin (Frank Sinatra)
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This translation and performance preserves most of the original music’s rhythm with corresponding correct Latin rhythm (long and short syllables), and even the rhymes! This is seldom done, but is important because the natural rhythm of Latin is the core of the language (the rhymes, however, are just for fun!). Ut vos hoc opusculum juvet!
“Fly Me To the Moon“
song by Bart Howard, made famous by Frank Sinatra
performed by Luke Amadeus Ranieri
“Duc Me Ad Lunam“
auctores Bartolomeus Howard, Franciscus Sinatra
cantat L. Amadeus Ranierius
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Latin Language Blog • Logos Telaris Latinus
Verba Carminis / Latin Lyrics (be sure to blend vowels at word boundaries when singing! :) )
Dūc mē ad lūnam
Stēllārum arrīdet ars
Īnspectemque ut vēre habētur
Juppiter, Mārs
Et utique, dā mī manum
Ō utique, dā mī suāvium
Complē mī cor
Cantū et cantem per saecula
Tē concupiō, mea,
Tē ipsamque amō, veneror
Et utique, servā fidem
Ō utique, tē sine ut amem
Complē mī cor
Cantū et cantem saecula
Es tūque omnis cāra
Tē ipsamque amō, veneror
Et utique, hīc estō!
Ō utique, ō utique!
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