Отава Ё - Иванушка-рачек (Otava Yo - Ivan the crayfish)
Шестой официальный видеоклип фолк-группы Отава Ё.
The Translation of lyrics for english speakers is below!
Купить песню в itunes:
Режиссёр – Алексей Белкин, Всеволод Алёхин.
Сценарий – Алексей Белкин.
Оператор - Анастасия Мазина
Механик - Иван Мосичев
Postproduction – студия Алёхина.
В съёмках клипа принимали участие скрипачки из Латвии:
Asnāte Rancāne
Katrīna Zalāne
Laura Marta Arāja
Lauma Bērza
Matilde Mežinska
Анастасия Олёнкина
Так же в съёмках принимали участие:
Агата Белкина, София Белкина, Matilde Muktupāvela, Miķelis Zalāns, Ilze Ērgle, Ieva Muktupāvela, Māra Muktupāvela, Jānis Muktupāvels, Juris Zalāns, Inese Iris Liepiņa, Павел Карпенков, Денис Антипов, Елена Качкина, Анастасия Бутинёва, собаки Джерри, Лацис и Морис.
Снято на хуторе Пурайши (Латвия) в августе 2015 года.
Огромное спасибо хозяину хутора - Нику Эрглису (Niks Ērglis).
Director - Alexey Belkin, Vsevolod Aljokhin
Cinematographer - Anastija Mazina
Operator assistant - Ivan Mosichev
Script - Alexey Belkin
Postproduction - Vsevolod Aljokhin
With support of violin players from Latvia:
Asnāte Rancāne
Katrīna Zalāne
Laura Marta Arāja
Lauma Bērza
Matilde Mežinska
Anastasija Oļenkina
Also participated:
Agata Belkina, Sofia Belkina, Matilde Muktupāvela, Miķelis Zalāns, Ilze Ērgle, Ieva Muktupāvela, Māra Muktupāvela, Jānis Muktupāvels, Juris Zalāns, Inese Iris Liepiņa, Pavel Karpenkov, Denis Antipov, Elena Kachkina, Anastasia Butinjova, dogs: Jerry, Lācis, Moris.
Shot in Latvia (steading Puraiši), august 2015.
With thanks to owner of steading - Niks Ērglis.
Official homepage of group:
Ivan the Crayfish’s crawling along the bank
Catches a fish and brings it to little Ul’yan
Little Ul’yan wolfs down the peppered fish
The landlord sits in the barnyard and screams “I’ll whip you!“
They work their fingers to the bone
With a wooden plough and harrow
Mother sold the latter
Didn’t ask much for it
A hoe, a shovel
And a hen
It sits on its roost
Counting its eggs
One, two, three, four
They taught me how to count
But not to read or write
I had to play with dolls
I broke one of my dolls
Mummy gave me a spanking
Dad, dad hit me on the back
Balalaika on the wall
Down the balalaika fell
And hit the pig on its hump
And then dad on his back
So he won’t be riding a pig anymore
1 view
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