We fired up the 9770 and hooked it up to the 612C corn head and take them to the field for the first time! We are living the dream. Dad was anxious to run the combine so he knew he made a good choice, and he did! We’ve come a long way since I started this channel 10 years ago. At the time, we were dreaming of running a 9770. In 2014 we transitioned from dairy to beef and crops. It was a scary time and the transition was messy, as we weren’t even sure if we were going to be inheriting the farms, or if they were going to be split and sold. We ended up with the right to purchase the farms at a discounted price for our work over the years (especially Mom & Dad’s) through the estate from my Grandfather’s WIll. We started getting offers to rent land and have expanded our operation from over 700 acres to over 1,200 with intentions to continue to grow. These are the best years of our lives!
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