Ramsey - Goodbye | Arcane Act 1 Episode 3 Ending

I have been obsessed with Arcane and this scene in particular. Watching it for the first time, I was in tears and goosebumps. The emotion that Powder displays when she realizes she messed up is 10/10. I thought this sequence in particular is one of the best-animated ones I’ve seen in a long time. The song fits so well with what just happened and the slow zoom out into black was amazing. This show is probably a 9.5/10 for me. The pacing is a little off just because there is so much going on. I thought the second Act was a bit worst than the first one but nonetheless, I still thoroughly enjoyed it. What’s great about the show is the world-building. No prior knowledge of League of Legends or its champions is required. I definitely recommend getting into.
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