The Most Common Error When Making Pizza

SUBSCRIBE ❥ 👉 MY MASTER CLASS PIZZA : 👈 Use code: USA to get it at lowest price (valid until july 10) In this video i had my friend @GiovanniFois to taste a real Neapolitan pizza and i had him try to find this most common error, Watch until the end to discover what is the error :) BECOME A MEMBER AND GET IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH ME : ONLY $ -------------------🍕🍕🍕🍕links of my social media ADD ME ON 🍕🍕🍕🍕---------------- Y.T. - ITALIA ★ INSTAGRAM ❥ FACEBOOK ❥ KIDS CHANNEL: ❥ CLOTHING LINE MY STORE ❥ ● MY PRODUCTS USED TO MAKE PIZZAS •BEST SPATULA: •COPPER OIL ITALIAN: •WOOD FOR PIZZA OVEN: •DOUGH BALLS BOXES: •BRICKS FOR YOUR HOME OVEN: •ELECTRONIC SCALE: •PEELS: MY WEB SITE : Please comment below if you have any questions Music:
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