Серёжа Парамонов / Песня о Володе Дубинине / БДХ

“Песня о Володе Дубинине“ (В.Шаинский - Н.Олев) Большой детский хор Центрального телевидения и Всесоюзного радио солист - Сергей Парамонов 1975 г. Song “Песня о Володе Дубинине“ / “Song about Volodya Dubinin“ ( - ) Big Children’s Choir of Central Television and All-Union Radio (the USSR) Solo by Sergey Paramonov 1975 Volodya (Vladimir) Dubinin is the Soviet hero, defender of Kerch during the Battle of the Kerch Peninsula, World War II. While assisting sapper to clear the minefielde he tripped a mine and was killed in January 1942. Volodya was 14 years old.
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