Negative Space | Oscar Nominated Stop-Motion Animation | Short of the Week

Negative Space is an Oscar-nominated short film animation that depicts a father-and-son relationship through the art of packing a suitcase. SUBMIT A FILM: FULL REVIEW: Negative Space A Film by Tiny Inventions (Ru Kuwahata & Max Porter) “Right at the outset, let me lay my cards on the table—this is a nearly perfect short. I qualify that statement with the “nearly”, only because I do not believe that art is a competition towards a platonic ideal. Though our site has taken on the challenge of serving as an arbitrator in questions of artistic and entertainment value, I still tend towards relativism in these matters. Taste is personal, and besides, perfection is often incompatible with innovation and risk-taking. Some of my favorite short films are decidedly imperfect and all the more enjoyable to me because of it. But back to the point—Ne
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