The Average Mount and Blade Time Travel Experience

Pretty much your Average Mount and Blade Time Travel Experience! This is how to NICELY time travel! In this meme packed video you will see Koifish and the happy Serf traveling through time (being a time traveler), visiting many different times and eras, in this satire video! Will he get time travel insurance? Does time travel insurance even exist? Are there time travel attorneys? If there is, is there any way to get them all in a conference call, or is it impossible due to poor time management? And is that solvable with.. wait for it... TIME TRAVEL? Watch and find out! It’s MOUNT AND BLADE THURSDAY! Woho! Get your favorite drinking skull, realize ITSALMOSTHARVESTINGSEASON, make sure you’re not a manhunter, shoo away any beggars that might be hiding in your castle, and enjoy this video! Leave a like and consider subscribing to my channel for more awesome videos! #funny #warband #meme
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