Love Your Liver Livestream 64: TOXIC Crucifers, Black Pepper, & Turmeric/Curcumin, Subscriber Q&A

0:00 Intro. 2:09 Mutagens. Cancer and liver toxicity of turmeric / curcumin. Drugs. Liver injury / disease. Hepatitis. jaundice. ALT / AST enzymes. Autoimmunity. Cytochromes. Lecithin. Cholesterol. Detox of steroids / hormones. 17:06 Genotoxicity. Cruciferous vegetables: Brussel sprout, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, horseradish, and mustard plant. Decreased cell viability. Glucosinolates and isothiocyanates. Flavonoids (quercetin, hesperidin, anthocyanin, etc.) and phenols / polyphenols. Aldehydes being carcinogenic. Alcohol slows ALDH (detox pathway). 29:09 Pepper (black / peppercorn) and piperine alkaloid being insecticide / pesticide. Adrenal Fatigue. Respiratory failure / paralysis. Glutathione. Nightshades. Peeling fruits / veggies. Aposematism: Nature uses bright colors, and a strong taste / smell, to signal toxicity level. 45:30 Eat the rainbow came from Sesame Street. The Bible diet is low in vitamin A (retinol) and carotenoids. Bill Gates, GMO, hybrids, and beta-carotene
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