The most satisfying videos! Korean mass production factories BEST 5
* Playlist *
00:00 Process of making stainless steel shower faucet. Korean bathroom ware factory
10:01 Produce 450,000 units a day! Amazing mask mass production process in Korean automated mask factory
18:19 Amazing Korean multi outlet power strip factory mass production process with 30 years knowhow
28:21 Process of making various size of corrugated boxes. Korean box mass production factory
36:26 Process of making car headlight bulb factory of South Korea that makes 20,000 pieces a day
📧 Video shooting inquiry : megaprocess7777@
I would like to express my gratitude to the CEO for helping with the production of the video, and I would also like to express my deep gratitude to the enthusiasm of the engineers.
🎥 Copyright(C) 2021. Mega Process. all rights reserved.
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