Half-Life 3 through a decade by Gabe Newell

Compilation of interviews / events in chronological order where Gabe Newell first talks about Half Life 2 Episode 3 then suddenly becomes silent about it. I tried to get the best possible quality from internet archives. Most of this footage is from websites that are now inactive. Some of those videos (the GTTV ones from February 2008 and September 2009) were not uploaded on youtube to this day. #ИгровыеНовости #GameNews #Новости #НовостиИгр #Game #Games #Steam #Игры #Игра #КлючиСтим #Ключи #Стим #IGM #Valve #SteamKey #News #HalfLife #HalfLife2 #HalfLife3 #Gabe #GabeNewell #Gaben | Игровые новости | Скидки на игры ►
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