Dive into Deep Learning: Coding Session #5 Attention Mechanism II (APAC)

📌 Session #5 – Attention mechanism (Transformer and BERT) implementation (Part II) 📌 Introduction, Coding About: The goal of this series is to provide code-focused sessions by reimplementing selected models from the interactive open source book “Dive into Deep Learning“ by Aston Zhang, Zachary C. Lipton, Mu Li, and Alexander J. Smola. In this session, we will continue our discussion about the attention mechanism and we’ll be covering parts of Chapter 10. Attention Mechanism We recommend interested participants read these chapters of the book to take full advantage of the session. These sessions are meant for people who are interested in implementing models from scratch and/or never have implemented a model before. We hope to help participants either get started in their Machine Learning journey or deepen their knowledge if they already have previous experience. We will try to achieve this by: * Helping participants to create their models end-to-e
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