[311208] Big Bang & Little Big Bang - Sunset Glow - MBC Music Festival
Watch in High Quality if possible! Or add fmt=18 behind :D Big Bang’s da bomb.
They’re freaking cute, I tell you! I totally love jiyong in this performance. Well I guess him having his headband is his new look now! Let’s see, this hairstyle looks like his previous. Only this has the super ultra cute headband. The little bb’s were so so so cute! I’d 100% confirm that any vip would call the minibb’s their son. Well, if not, then I guess I’m the only one! I absolutely loved that Top and his minibb both had the mask! Taeyang and his minibb looked very very alike, especially the hair. Very cute! They even know the words~ I noticed Seungri’s minibb is very very energetic. Daesung’s minibb can dance well for such a small boy! He’ll be a great dancer. Jiyong and his minibb? My husband and my son, haha! Jiyong’s minibb looks exactly like him, together with that headband. His minibb is wearing like a card holder instead of the eye
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