►【4K, 50Fps Colorized】 Riga, 1929 (+ added sound, stabilized) -【AI Restoration】[SUBTITLES]

Riga, 1929 ( added sound, stabilized) -【AI Restoration】[SUBTITLES] This movie is from a Swedish film archive: Thanks for watching, I tried very hard to make the video as interesting as possible to watch. To restore the video, 3 neural networks were used, for coloring, increasing the number of frames and increasing the size to 4K, as well as image stabilization and adding sounds. 00:35 - current view: @,,3a,75y,,=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipN4648VyuTb_eWYAr0fXUQ2A2MGundXWlFrrRtH!2e10!3e11!6s=!7i7200!8i3600?hl=ru&authuser=0 destroyed building was here: @,,3a,75y,,=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNR16Nu4CgQ...4t4eLQrp1Eendhyy_4dFJB9aMnhJ!2
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