Solo ’Who Loves This Endless Change’ from Modern Opera ’Lin Huiyin’ | 女高音独唱《谁爱这不息的变幻》(选自歌剧《&#

The alterations of mountains and seas, as well as the moon and stars are all part of a natural cycle showing the impermanence of time. In the ever-changing universe, the key is to understand, accept and embrace the transitions ahead. “Who Loves This Endless Change” is a solo selected from the first act of CNODDT’s modern opera “#LinHuiyin”, where the young lady arrives late to a tea party and apologizes by reciting this newly self-written poem. 谁爱这不息的变幻?山河湖海,斗转星移,自然变迁,岁月无常。 由中国十大女高音之一#陈小朵 演唱的《谁爱这不息的变幻》选自歌剧《#林徽因 》第一幕的茶
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