Yoga is an extremely imbalanced physical practice most of the time, in most public yoga classes and traditional yoga systems. Yoga poses or yoga asanas are biased towards an extreme amount of forward folding postures, and most yoga systems like ashtanga or Iyengar yoga, and most yoga teachers don’t offer enough movement in other directions to balance out the body and make full use of the body’s capabilities. Why are we so obsessed with stretching our back and stretching our hamstrings? In modern life, most of us spend the vast majority of our time hunched over and slouched forward in a forward fold as it is! Don’t we get enough of that already? Aren’t there more useful things to occupy our precious yoga practice time with? What about backbends, side bends, twists, balance, strength, muscle endurance, dynamic movement, not to mention pulling, speed, agility, and quickness, which yoga never even touches. Yoga is not meant to be a physical exercise practice originally, but as long as modern y
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