Zingaresca Guitar Duo: Vadim Kolpakov & Oleg Timofeyev – Russian or sometimes called “Gypsy” seven-string guitar. Video clip on the song “Кумушка-Godmother“ from the Zingaresca CD Video recorded in March, 2017 by Lyubov Abramova in Charlotte, NC.
In Italian, the word “Zingaresca” means a “Gypsy melody” or “music, written in the Gypsy style.” ZINGARESCA Guitar Duo consists of Oleg Timofeyev, the pioneer in the revival of the Russian seven-string guitar, and the celebrated Russian-Roma (Gypsy) virtuoso Vadim Kolpakov. For more information on ZINGARESCA and booking visit
Russian-Gypsy guitar tradition goes back to the 18th century when the first Sokolovsky Gypsy choir (Russian “Соколовский хор“) was founded by the Count Orlov-Chesmensky in the 1770s who called on Ivan Sokolov, leader of the Roma (Gypsies) among his serfs, to perform at his estate outside Moscow. The Roma-serfs were granted their freedom in 1807, and Sokolov became the first in a dynasty of Gypsy choir leaders. The choir performed at the prestigious Yar restaurant in Moscow (“Соколовский хор у Яра“). When his descendant Grigory Sokolov died leadership passed to Nikolai Shishkin. Many staples of the Russian traditional romans song have Romani origins. For more info about the Russian guitar visit at
Vadim Kolpakov and Oleg Timofeyev playing on the Russian 7-string guitars, and created this project in 2004. They are trying to bring back this beautiful tradition of the Russian-Roma (Gypsy) guitar music.
For booking and info, visit at
Google : VadimKolpakovGuitarist/
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Гитарный дуэт ZINGARESCA: Вадим Колпаков и Олег Тимофеев (Русская или цыганская семиструнная гитара). Компазиция, вариации на тему цыганской песни «Кумушка». Фотограф Любовь Абрамова, видел снято в г. Шарлотт, штат Северная Каролина, март, 2017 г. Для более подробной информации и заказа посетите сайт:
Профессиональная цыганская исполнительская традиция на семиструнной гитаре «семиструнке» в России ведет свое начало от хора кочевых цыган-«лэутарей», в 1774 выписанных графом А. Орловым-Чесменским из Валахии и поселенных в подмосковном поселке (ныне Пушкино). Этот хор возглавил Иван Трофимович Соколов (1740-е - 1807), патриарх семьи цыган-артистов, известных в России с конца XVIII в. по начало XX в. Для более подробной информации, перейдите по ссылки:
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