Here are 6 takes with some fun grooves and ideas I recorded while working on compositions for this channel. I order of appearance, I’m playing a fretless Duvoisin bass with epoxy fingerboard, a Cortex standard Napoleon bass with Nordstrand Big Blades and a fretted Duvoisin bass, Shagreen Edition by Cedric Vichard. I’m using Ernie Ball Super Slinky strings on all vids except for the stock ones on the 2nd, think those were GHS. The pickups on the Duvoisins are custom 3 volts, with single bridge string attachment without ball-ends for optimal punch & sustain, was carrying pre-cut Ernies when these were my main fretted & fretless :) Some of these vids were around online except for here, so better bring ‘em home to the Groove Lab. There’s much more, for those who have interest let me know in the comments if Patreon or such could be a good idea to release songs, tutorials, behind the scenes footage, etc. Could be fun!
The basses were recorded with the amp’s DI into a Focusrite interface. First vid I