Checking Out: Choreographs by Slate + Ash

Sampling maestros Slate and Ash put movement at the forefront of their hotly anticipated fourth release, Choreographs. Hardware synth samples blend with organic sources to create a myriad of pads, sequences, sound design, keys, drums, and plenty more. All of them are dancing to their own beat, be that a slow and subtle waltz, or a lively, melodic cha cha, all the way to frenetic and disjointed raving. Contributor Sam Burt reviews Choreographs by Slate and Ash Choreographs normally sells for £249 from Slate and Ash - Latest Reviews: Music Software News: Visit Sample Library Review: Please use the Sample Library Review links. Developers notice where traffic comes from and some developers choose to support the channel with advertising. Other links might be affiliate links and at no cost to you, we may make a small commission which helps us cover the costs of the site and channel if you make a purchase through our links. 00:00:00 Brief Examples 00:00:30 About Choreographs 00:02:12 Details 00:03:02 Instrument Basics 00:04:03 Preset Examples 00:13:15 Interface Controls 00:28:00 The Sequencer Section 00:31:57 FX Controls 00:43:32 RAW Samples 00:48:04 Add User Samples 00:54:18 Engine State Selections 00:58:02 About the on the Engine 01:01:24 Final Thoughts
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