MEGAUPLOAD IS TAKEN DOWN!! (Maybe a early start of / ?)

SONG NAME: ’’Sons of War’’ BY: Two Steps from Hell ALBUM: ’’Nemesis’’ Please notice that I DON’T have anything to do with Anonymous. I simply just helping spreading their message! PLEASE Share this with everyone you know!! We need to unite against this madness and stop it!!! Proof: Or just visit megaupload... TRANSCRIPT Citizens of the United States, We are Anonymous. This is an urgent emergency alert to all people of the United States. The day we’ve all been waiting for has unfortunately arrived. The United States is censoring the internet. Our blatant response is that we will not sit while our rights are taken away by the government we trusted them to preserve. This is not a call to arms, but a call to recognition and action! The United States government has mastered this corrupt way of giving us a false sense of freedom
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