20 MINUTES PER DAY FOR A FULFILLING LIFE Part 2 of 7 | Thursday 4th March 2021 10pm (Sydney time)

Meditation First Steps - Part 2: Learn how 20 minutes of meditation daily will improve all aspects of our lives. WEBCAST INCLUDES: - Short introduction to Sahaja Yoga meditation, the chakras and awakening of our inner subtle energy. - Guided collective meditations. - Techniques to go beyond our mind. - Discussion with practitioners on their personal experience and how meditation. - Video on Shri Mataji and Her legacy as the founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation. MORE INFO: - More about Shri Mataji’s Sahaja Yoga meditation at - Free meditation classes in over 100 Countries: - Latest news & events: - Our other webcasts: SHARE THE EVENT - Facebook: - Twitter: - Like our Facebook page for updates on weekly livest
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