Scenes of mass grief as mourners line streets at funeral for Kim Jong Il

(28 Dec 2011) SHOTLIST 1. Mid of start of funeral procession with car carrying large portrait of Kim Jong Il 2. Wide of soldiers and civilians bowing 3. Long shot of exterior Kumsusan Memorial Palace with portrait of Kim Il Sung and flag at half mast 4. Mid and zoom out from large portrait of Kim Jong Il on car at head of funeral procession, behind him Jang Song Thaek, Kim Jong Ilโ€™s brother-in-law and a vice chairman of the powerful National Defence Commission 5. Wide of hearse with Kim Jong Un walking beside it 6. Soldiers watching procession 7. Hearse with Kim Jong Un walking beside it 8. Mid of weeping soldiers and civilians watching procession 9. Kim Jong Un walking next to hearse, pull out and pan 10. Tracking shot of soldiers and civilians screaming and crying 11. Close and pull out of Kim Jong Un walking next to hearse 12. Tracking shot of civilians screaming and crying, held back by soldiers 13. Mid of hearse with Kim Jong Un and pan to onlookers
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