Hells Angels Lay Down the Law

Watch full series free on Amazon Prime: For more than a decade, Tommy Baker has led a group of week-end bikers on rides literally all across America. Along the way, he decided they should call themselves “The Ice Cream Men From Hell.“ He designed a patch and gave the ’colors’ to the riders he thought were worthy. They weren’t an official Motorcycle Club, but maybe - one day - they’ll try. That day has finally arrived. Baker put together the quintessential biker journey - a biker boot camp - to see if he and his buddies had what it takes to be a real Motorcycle Club - an M.C. - an American M.C. Getting seventeen men, from all walks of life and three states together is the first mission - and it doesn’t go smoothly. Once they do all meet up and start riding together - five minutes in, one of them goes down. Let us know if you’ll be streaming American MC at home and what you think about the events that unfold for Tommy Baker and the Ice Cream Men F
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