“Tradition Trapped in Christianity” Justin James, USA

Wherever we are born in this world, all our surroundings and the traditions we keep become ingrained in us as we grow up. Many times, when people are asked “Why do we do this?” we often give the answer “I don’t know, that’s the way I’ve always done it.” In this way, traditions that people have been holding onto since childhood continue to remain in them as adults. But what about something as sensitive and important as someone’s faith in which they define their spiritual identity? Should we let the tradition of those who came before us dictate our spiritual formation, health, and destiny without considering the source? When we look around, Christianity and its doctrines have grown around teachings and traditions that are very far away from the teachings of the Bible. Unfortunately, this change started to come about from the mid-second century until the mid-fourth century. When Papacy exercised its authority over the churches and reshaped Christianity to follo
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