Selected Originals - Atom Man’s Hush-Hush Return Aka Dr. Penney Returns From Monte Bello (1952)

Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes, rushes) for story ’Atom Man’s Hush-Hush Return’ - 52/85. Material for Newsreel Story - extra material Lyneham, Wiltshire. SV. Interview with Dr. W G Penney, British Atomic Scientist . NATURAL SOUND: Pathe Interviewer John Parsons “What does your wife think about it?“. Penney: “Oh,I think she agrees with me.“ J.P. “And what do you do in your free time as a complete contrast to your work?“ Penney: “I usually play golf“. J.P. “You’re a keen golfer.“ Penney: “Yes, a keen golfer.“ J.P. “And what are your plans now?“. Penny: “Well, I hope to have my summer holiday now“ J.P. “And where will you be going for that?“ Penney: “I’m not quite sure yet.“ J.P. “I don’t suppose we can ask you anything whatsoever about Monte Bello. But can we ask you if you are going to the Prime Minister?“. Penney: “Well, I’ve certainly got to put in my report.“ “I expect the Prime Minister will consider it.“ J.P. “And have you anything else to say to us.?“ Penney: “No, I’m s
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