Moscow-City | Walking in the Rain | Fighting the wind with an umbrella

Moscow covered with rains and cold weather returned. I tried to shoot in Moscow-City. And again failure. It’s not like shooting on a camera or walking. It’s more like fighting the wind with an umbrella. I returned home in the mood for spring. Angry, wet, and hungry. Previous attempts: Moscow-City | Walking in the Rain. Neon lights of Skyscrapers Moscow Windy Winter Night Walk ❄️ Snowing in Moscow City ​ Streets and remarkable places seen within this video: Tower 2000 and Bagration Bridge // One Tower // Evolution Tower // Imperia Tower // City of Capitals // Naberezhnaya Tower // IQ-quarter // Eurasia Tower // Federation Tower // Mercury City Tower // Grand Tower // OKO // Neva Towers // Northern Tower // Bagration Bridge // Delovoy Tsentr (Moscow Central Circle) // Afimall City
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