These 10 Shapes Unlock All of Figure Drawing - How? Fresh Eyes pt 1

To join the Fresh Eyes challenge, go to: The free account you make will also give you access to our new reference library for your general figure drawing practice. The lighting is designed to create clear and interesting shadow shapes and the poses are fun and dynamic! Follow us on Instagram where we will post more Fresh Eyes content: We are removing an entire dimension to start this 10 day challenge. By thinking 2D, we can more easily get to the heart of some of the biggest ideas the human figure presents us. If we can learn to see each of these poses in terms of the very simple 2D model we created, we can see some of the most important things we need to see for life drawing, including both gesture and structural drawing. These ideas about the torso, shoulders, attachment of the legs, head and neck are fundamental to figure drawing, whether you are interested in gesture, anatomy or using simple 3D forms. If you are unsure abo
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