#РегионыРоссии #Мурманскаяобласть #Мурманск In the framework of Russia’s Chairmanship of the Arctic Council, together with the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic, we will tell you about 9 Arctic regions and show you their investment, economic and tourism potential. The largest city in the Arctic Circle, Murmansk, opens a series of Arctic videos. We will show you not only the northern beauty and tourist attractiveness of this place, but also its achievements in the field of attracting investments and developing entrepreneurship. Large industrial and infrastructure projects are being implemented in the Murmansk region: we visited the construction site of the Lavna terminal on the coast of the Kola Peninsula and a fish processing plant, and talked about other enterprises with the governor of the Murmansk region, Andrey Chibis. We did not forget about the recreational opportunities of the region: we got to know the way of life of the indigenous peop
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