Canticle of the sun (Holy Francis of Assisi) I Kane McLean

The Canticle of the Sun, also known as Laudes Creaturarum, is a prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi. Its the praise of God, thank Him for such creations as “Brother Fire“ (played by Pipe) and “Sister Moon“ (played by flute). This touching composition, written by Kane McLean, tries to make the words of St. Francis musically audible and thus perceptible. Thanks to all musicians, who recorded the piece all over Europe. Thomas Wandt/Clanpipers Frankfurt (Pipes), Alexandra Mies (Flute), Katharina Arlt (Oboe), Carmen Radermacher and Werner Schönau (Clarinet), Andy Taylor (Saxophones), Isabelle Roel...ofs (French Horn), Glen Hogg, Markus Rose and Walter Rimbrecht (Cornet/Trumpet), Daniel Ridder (Trombones, Baritone, Tuba)
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