#WhoWantsToBeAMillionaire? #2ndEdition UK #PCGame (#Season20242025) #Set1, #Episode25
Credit goes to John Christian, Dave Games Room and vikramleon.
(GAME 25 OF 30)
Hello and welcome to ’’#WhoWantsToBeAMillionaire?’’. Your chance to win a virtual million pounds by simply answering fifteen questions in a row correctly. So, if you’re ready, let’s play!
Hosted by #ChrisTarrant.
It’s game 25 of 30 on my WWTBAM 2nd Edition PC Game.
24-game winnings: (2ND EDITION) £24,000,000
Date on a cheque:- 23/07/2005. (Saturday 23rd July 2005)
I have played with:- #LisaSnowdon. She is an English television and radio presenter and fashion model. She was the host of the Living TV reality television show Britain’s Next Top Model from 2006 until 2009. She also co-presented Capital Breakfast on Capital London from August 2008 until 18 December 2014.
Snowdon’s first presenting role was in 2003 on BBC3’s Fightbox - a children’s show in which contestants created ’avatars’ to battle each other. Later she presented on MTV UK’s MTV Select. She took over the role from Lisa Butcher as the “supermodel“ judge and host on Britain’s Next Top Model. Snowdon left the show to concentrate on her radio show and was replaced by Elle Macpherson as of season six. In autumn 2007, she was announced as the new co-presenter of Through the Keyhole with Sir David Frost on BBC One.
Snowdon had a starring role in Channel 4’s short film Man’s Best Friend. She also had a cameo role in Channel 4 programme, Plus One.
In 2014, Snowdon co-hosted Weekend Kitchen with Waitrose with Steve Jones. The show aired on Saturday mornings on Channel 4.
In August 2016, Snowdon guest presented five episodes of Lorraine, standing in for Lorraine Kelly. In November 2016, Snowdon was confirmed as a contestant for the sixteenth series of I’m a Me Out of Here!. She was voted off as the second celebrity to leave the jungle coming in second last place to her camp-mate Danny Baker.
In September 2022, Snowdon was crowned winner of the seventeenth series of Celebrity Masterchef.
Snowdon took part in the sixth series of Strictly Come Dancing on the BBC paired with former champion Brendan Cole.
To see the rest of the information about Lisa Snowdon’s fact file, visit the Wikipedia website.
#LisaSnowdon #LivingTV #BritainsNextTopModel #CapitalBreakfast #CapitalLondon #CapitalFM #BBCTHREE #Fightbox #BBC3 #MTVUK #MTVSelect #LisaButcher #ElleMacPherson #ThroughtheKeyhole #DavidFrost #BBCONE #MansBestFriend #Channel4 #PlusOne #WeekendKitchenwithWaitrose #SteveJones #Lorraine #LorraineKelly #ITV #ImACelebrityGetMeOutofHere #CelebrityMasterchef #StrictlyComeDancing #BrendanCole
Playlist of videos in chronological order can be found here:
(2024/2025 Season) Set 1, #WhoWantsToBeAMillionaire? #2ndEdition #PCGame UK
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